Testimonial #3

Testimonial #3

“Hi Arya - I just wanted to say how wonderful this project is, especially the impact section! I think interviews and Q&As with local municipal and school leaders are exactly what we need more of at the moment, especially since those voices are not being heard in the national dialogue. Looking forward to frequenting the site often to see what else you've added!”

- Aman Panjawani

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Testimonial #8

Testimonial #8

I had the pleasure of meeting Arya when he came to my shop to ask me to advertise in the high school newspaper. To be honest, I don't do much advertising and I hadn't been thinking at all about the Red and Black but I was so impressed by Arya that I took the ad. Arya made sure to drop off copies of the paper during that year and eventually interviewed me for a story about COVID and how it affected my business. I could not believe how professional, prepared, poised and thorough Arya was in his interview. It impressed me to the point where I asked him if he would like to freelance for my business doing some PR over the summer. Arya jumped at the chance and wrote articles that were literally perfect. I'm so happy I got the chance to meet Arya and I'm excited to see where he goes from here. I often tell him, "we're all going to be working for you one of these days I think." I would love to have that chance!

- Gail Ockerbloom [Business Owner]

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Testimonial #7

Testimonial #7

“Arya first came to my attention after reading an exceptional article submitted by the Network For Social Justice, where he was interning at the time. I was directed to his website after inquiring about him, and I was astounded by his intelligence, passion and the vast amount of work that he has devoted to his website. I immediately sent the link to co-workers, as well as to my sister-in-law, a prize-winning journalist who specializes in COVID-related articles. Since then, I am delighted to have formed a professional relationship with Arya. He never fails to impress me with how responsible he is, always delivering his articles on time and consistently going above and beyond.”

-Michaela O'Shaughnessy [Managing Editor of Stroll Winchester]

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Testimonial #1

Testimonial #1

“Great job Arya! It really is a central location for all things COVID-19 and I love the clean look and navigation. You use graphics and other visuals in a very well laid out and not overly used manner along with concise paragraphs that makes the site visitor want to read vs being turned off by overly large and long reads.

This is terrific work, please keep it going!”

- Neil Parikh


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Testimonial #5

Testimonial #5

Bonjour Gaston,
J'espère que tu vas bien!
Mr. Mahoney tweeted out the website you made, and I am blown away!! It is incredibly informative. I've learned a lot already, and what I love the most is your message of positivity. Gaston, thank you for being you, and for putting your talents out into the world for everyone to benefit from. Amicalement, Mme Fagan

-- Karen Fagan [French Teacher, McCall Middle School]

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